Monday, September 5, 2011

Welcome to the Eugenedom!

If you have arrived at this page, it is hopefully because you are contemplating a move to Eugene and are reading all of the millions of Google hits you got when you typed "Eugene, Oregon" into your Google machine (or Bing machine, or Ask Jeeves machine, or whatever).  If this is you, then you are in luck because you've found a place where you can read a non-native Eugenian's numerous complaints (and occasional compliments) of Track Town, U.S.A.!

Or maybe you are already living in Eugene and just want to see what others think of this place.  If this is you, then you may be excited to see that someone else, like you, doesn't get what's so special about this place.  Conversely, you may be a Eugene lover, which is really great!  Feel free to call me out if I am being unfair...or just ignore my ramblings because I will be moving out of Eugene soon, so you won't have to worry about me.

But most likely, if you are reading this, you are probably my mom.  Love you, Mom!